Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation

Workers ‘Compensation is normally considered “no-fault” in nature. An individual with a work-related injury is not required to sue the employer for liability but relies first on the workers’ compensation benefits that are provided by the employer. Each state’s workers compensation system varies but the cost of workers compensation is the responsibility of the employer. Some employers rely on private insurance, some a state workers compensation fund, and some bear full responsibility through self-insured programs.
In any instance, Vocational Rehabilitation plays a major role following a work-related injury. Because the employer will bear full responsibility for medical costs and other expenses related to the injury, including possible indemnity payments, the services offered by Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals are invaluable. Although many insurance companies and states work closely with state vocational rehabilitation programs for retraining and job placement services. Vocational Experts (VEs) who specialize in Workers’ compensation cases provide an invaluable service to all parties related. VEs specialized in workers compensation offer a higher level of education and experience specific to the field. Evaluating and assessing work related injuries and employee case management are critical to managing costs and assisting the injured worker, employer, and insurance company. The experts with the Stroud VE team have the education and professional expertise to review and analyze medical, vocational, wage, and other records; interview and test, project earnings and determine transferability of skills, while transferring the information gathered into comprehensive reports, depositions, and trial testimony.

Workers’ Compensation

Vocational Rehabilitation assessment plays a significant role following a work-related injury. Employers bear full responsibility for medical costs and other expenses related to workplace injuries, including indemnity payments. The services provided by Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals are invaluable in assisting clients regarding containing costs and working towards a successful outcome for those involved.
While Workers ‘Compensation is normally considered “no-fault” in nature, an individual with a work-related injury is not required to sue the employer for liability but relies first on the workers’ compensation benefits that are provided by the employer. Each state’s workers compensation system varies but the cost of workers compensation is the responsibility of the employer. Employers may rely on private insurance, or a state workers compensation fund, or may bear full responsibility through self-insured programs.

Vocational Experts (VEs) who specialize in Workers’ compensation cases provide an invaluable service to all parties related. VEs specialized in workers compensation offer a higher level of education and experience specific to the field. Evaluating and assessing work related injuries and employee case management are critical to managing costs and assisting the injured worker, employer, and insurance company. The Vocational Expert team representing Stroud Vocational Expert Services, LLC (Stroud VE services) have the education and professional expertise that is necessary to analyze medical, vocational, wage, and other records that are required in Workers Compensation cases. Vocational Experts interview and test, project earnings and determine transferability of skills, while transferring the information gathered into comprehensive reports, depositions, and trial testimony.

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