About Us

About Us

The team of vocational experts representing Stroud Vocational Expert Services, LLC’s (Stroud, thereafter) are all highly regarded professionals in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation representing the Vocational Forensic Field, including the areas of vocational evaluation, workforce and human resource development, social science, and psychology. All are highly specialized in the areas of social security disability evaluation and testimony, with extensive expertise in preparation and delivery of vocation testimony in federal administrative law. In addition to a strong educational background with a minimum of a Master’s level degree, each expert holds a minimum of five years experience in vocational rehabilitation, job counseling, and job placement of adult disabled workers. The expert team at Stroud holds certifications and licensing in multiple areas of vocational evaluation and rehabilitation counseling. The Stroud expert team understands the complexity of physical and mental disabilities and employment barrier challenges of individuals with various forms of disabilities…each competent and versed with current and extensive experience obtained from being actively engaged as principals, employees or private consultants in the Vocational Forensic field.

The VE Launchpad from the Stroud Academy and Stroud Vocational Expert Services, LLC

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement

To better serve our customers by bringing together a broad base of talent with specialized knowledge and experience representing the field of Vocational forensic science.



Codes of Ethics

Stroud Vocational Experts Services, LLC, follows the highest of ethical standards established throughout the profession of Vocational Rehabilitation and Vocational Forensics. Respect for the sincerity and authenticity of all individuals and clients that we work with are our primary priority. Each member of our team abides by legal, ethical, and moral conduct as set forth in every area represented throughout the profession of Vocational Forensics.

Our Team

One Firm...One Team...One Call!


Don C. Stroud, MBA

Chief Operating/Financial Officer

Don Stroud, cofounder of Stroud Vocational Experts Services, LLC Provides oversight of the organizations operations and special projects. Don contributes over thirty years of high level management and leadership skills leading diverse teams of professionals to new levels of success. His expertise is working within highly competitive and emerging markets and fast-paced environments.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Marilyn J. Stroud, MBA

Chief Executive Officer/Vocational Expert

Marilyn Stroud, Cofounder of Stroud Vocational Expert Services, LLC
Experienced Vocational Expert with a background that spans over twenty  five years in both private and public industries, multiple industry sectors, and within local, State, and
Federal Governments. As lead Vocational Expert, Marilyn specializes in vocational assessment, testimony, and labor market analysis.

[email protected]

[email protected]

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